Fig. 3.
Donor and third-party skin graft survival.
(A) Donor B10.A skin graft survival for groups that received CYA pretreatment and a single mAb injection (n = 5, ▴); a single mAb injection and corticosteroids (n = 4, ▿); CYA pretreatment, a single mAb injection, and corticosteroids (n = 4, ⧫); 2 mAb injections (mAbs 2 ×, n = 4, ○); and a single mAb injection only (n = 4, ▪). (B) Third-party skin graft survival for the same groups. Donor B10.A and third-party SJL (H-2s) skin was grafted 9 weeks post-BMT. Results from the first of 2 similar experiments are shown.