Characterization of the functional CCR3 promoter in AML14.3D10 cells.
Cells (AML14.3D10) were transiently transfected with a reporter plasmid containing 1.6 kb of human CCR3, SV40, or no promoter ligated to the luciferase reporter gene. Cells were cotransfected with the pCDNA3.βGal plasmid and data are normalized to β-galactosidase activity. In panels A and B, 2 separate experiments are shown where cells were transfected by electroporation, whereas in panels C and D cells were transfected with Effectene. A dose response of the CCR3 promoter activity is depicted as well as the value of the negative control, promoterless vector (basic), and the positive control (SV40) promoter. The control vectors were used at 15 μg in panels A and B and 1 μg in panels C and D. On the y-axis, data are presented as RLU (luciferase activity)/OD (β-galactosidase activity).