Western blot analysis of involved tissues from
BCR/ABL p190 transgenics. Lysates from different tissues were run on SDS-PAA (polyacrylamide) gels and Western blotted. (A) Reaction with anti-Abl monoclonal antibodies, which detect both c-Abl and Bcr/Abl. (B) A far-Western blot reacted with the Crkl SH2 domain. Samples include, in panel A, lane 1, bone marrow of no. 5160 (no. 4208 line); lane 2, involved pooled lymph nodes of no. 5160; lane 3, control bone marrow; lane 4, positive control (lymphoma of nonmutated Bcr/Abl p190 transgenic); lane 5, bone marrow of no. 5224 (no. 4208 line); and lane 6, bone marrow of no. 4637 (a mouse of the p190 del C no. 4208 line that died because of liver hyperplasia at 18 months of age). The locations of endogenous Abl and Bcr/Abl are as indicated. Panel B, lane 1, exudate of no. 5085 (p190 del C 4243 line; Figure 5 also); lane 2, no. 5085 pooled lymph nodes; lane 3, lymphoma of a non-BCR/ABL transgenic; lane 4, lymphoma of no. 4909 (no. 4208 line); and lane 5, positive control lymphoma of a transgenic for nonmutated p190 BCR/ABL. The approximate location of molecular weight markers is shown on the left.