DNA versus RNA staining of UCB CD34+ cells, postsort analysis of sorted G0 and G1CD34+ cells, and reanalysis of G0and G1CD34+ cells with 7-AAD and Ki-67 staining.
(A) Fluorescence analysis of UCB CD34+ cells stained with Hst and PY as described in “Materials and methods.” Quiescent cells residing in G0 (G0CD34+) have 2n DNA and minimal RNA content (cells falling below the horizontal line in dot plot A), whereas those in early or late G1 (G1CD34+) are also Hstdim but are Pybright owing to their higher RNA content (cells above the horizontal line). According to this definition, approximately 33% of UCB CD34+ cells were determined to be in G0. Sort windows to collect G0 and G1 cells were constructed as previously described16 for MPB and are shown in dot plot A as R1 and R2, respectively. In all sorts, at least 150 fluorescence channels separated the 2 sort windows. (B, C) Postsort analysis of sorted G1CD34+ cells (dot plot B) and G0CD34+ cells (dot plot C). Since PY fluorescence is lost with time, sorted cells “fall” below sort windows upon postsort analysis. (D,E) Cell-cycle status of sorted cells was confirmed by 7-AAD and Ki-67 staining. Most PYbrightcells (cells in G1; panel D) expressed Ki-67 (86%), whereas a substantially smaller fraction (34%) of cells in G0 (panel E) expressed low levels of Ki-67. Ki-67 and 7-AAD staining was repeated in 3 other experiments with similar results.