PMN transmigration and concomitant [Ca2+]ielevation in adjacent ECs.
The standard concentration of PMN suspensions used in the rest of this study was 5 × 105 cell/mL. The upper panel shows morphologic changes of a PMN during various stages of transmigration. The lower panel shows [Ca2+]i elevation in ECs adjacent to the PMN transmigration site. The insert shows the fluorescence image of these ECs with the transmigrating PMN marked by a circle (flow direction from top to bottom). While ECs 1, 2, and 3 were located right next to the transmigration site, another cell located one cell away from this site was selected as the control. The PMN arrives at 370 seconds (arrow). Contact, rolling, and adherence (all happening within a couple of minutes of PMN arrival) caused no observable EC [Ca2+]i elevation. In contrast, PMN transmigration was accompanied by sharp [Ca2+]i elevations in ECs 1, 2, and 3, but not in the control EC.