Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. ASO analysis of genomic DNA. / Amplicons from exon 5 of genomic DNA prepared from mononuclear cells of a healthy subject and EBV-lymphoblastoid cells from the proband were spotted onto a sheet of nylon filter and hybridized with the normal or the mutant nucleotide as described in “Materials and methods.” Top panel, with the normal oligonucleotide; bottom panel, with the mutant oligonucleotide. Lane 1, healthy subject; lane 2, the patient.

ASO analysis of genomic DNA.

Amplicons from exon 5 of genomic DNA prepared from mononuclear cells of a healthy subject and EBV-lymphoblastoid cells from the proband were spotted onto a sheet of nylon filter and hybridized with the normal or the mutant nucleotide as described in “Materials and methods.” Top panel, with the normal oligonucleotide; bottom panel, with the mutant oligonucleotide. Lane 1, healthy subject; lane 2, the patient.

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