Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. T cells from alloimmune donors that proliferate against RhD peptides in vitro were, with few exceptions, previously activated in vivo. / Shown here are the proliferative responses of CD45RO+ (▪, previously activated) and CD45RA+ (■, previously inactive) T cells from alloimmune donors 12 (A), 17 (B), and 4 (C,D) against selected RhD peptides.

T cells from alloimmune donors that proliferate against RhD peptides in vitro were, with few exceptions, previously activated in vivo.

Shown here are the proliferative responses of CD45RO+ (▪, previously activated) and CD45RA+ (■, previously inactive) T cells from alloimmune donors 12 (A), 17 (B), and 4 (C,D) against selected RhD peptides.

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