Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. RhD protein sequences that stimulate T cells from alloimmune donors to proliferate are not limited to extracellular loops. / The predicted topographic features of the RhD protein56illustrate the location of the 4 dominant RhD peptides that elicited proliferation by T cells from most of the alloimmune donors. Residues within dominant peptides, ● (peptide 6 aa52-66, peptide 13 aa97-111, peptide 17 aa117-131, and peptide 28 aa177-191).

RhD protein sequences that stimulate T cells from alloimmune donors to proliferate are not limited to extracellular loops.

The predicted topographic features of the RhD protein5 6illustrate the location of the 4 dominant RhD peptides that elicited proliferation by T cells from most of the alloimmune donors. Residues within dominant peptides, ● (peptide 6 aa52-66, peptide 13 aa97-111, peptide 17 aa117-131, and peptide 28 aa177-191).

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