Serum viral RNA levels and immunologic parameters of patients infected with HCV or HIV or both.
Four groups of 130 hemophiliac patients, defined according to HCV and HIV viremia, as well as a group of 30 healthy individuals age-matched to patients with viremia, were studied. The letter designations of the groups represented by the columns are defined in the left column of Table 1. In panels A and B, HCV and HIV viremia was quantified using a bDNA probe assay and the Amplicore HIV monitor test. When the HCV RNA level measured by bDNA assay was below the detection limit (0.5 × 106 Eq/mL), the value was taken as equal to it. Serum levels of ALT (C), immunoglobulin (D, IgG; E, IgA; F, IgM), and peripheral lymphocyte counts were measured by routine ordinary methods. Percentages of B cells and CD4+ cells were determined by indirect immunofluorescence followed by flow cytometric analysis, and respective cell counts (G,H) were calculated from total lymphocyte counts. The columns and vertical bars indicate mean values and SEs, respectively. No significant variations between group A1 and A2 were noted for any immunologic parameter.