Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Histopathologic findings obtained at postmortem. / (A) Choroidal vessel stained with Martius-scarlet-blue (MSB) shows necrotizing vasculitis with a mononuclear cellular infiltrate and fibrin deposition (red). (B) Hilar testicular vessel stained with MSB shows necrotizing arteritis, segmental/asymmetric accumulation of mononuclear cells in the vessel wall (large arrowhead). Note the focal nodose dilatation characteristic of polyarteritis nodosa (small arrowhead).

Histopathologic findings obtained at postmortem.

(A) Choroidal vessel stained with Martius-scarlet-blue (MSB) shows necrotizing vasculitis with a mononuclear cellular infiltrate and fibrin deposition (red). (B) Hilar testicular vessel stained with MSB shows necrotizing arteritis, segmental/asymmetric accumulation of mononuclear cells in the vessel wall (large arrowhead). Note the focal nodose dilatation characteristic of polyarteritis nodosa (small arrowhead).

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