Fig. 5.
Titration of platelet cytoplasmic Ca++response to increasing amounts of chemokines measured using fura-2 fluorescence.
Washed platelets (108/mL) loaded with fura-2 were activated with various concentrations of chemokines. (A) TARC: plot 1, 10 nmol/L; plot 2, 20 nmol/L; and plot 3, 50 nmol/L. (B) Eotaxin: plot 1, 10 nmol/L; plot 2, 20 nmol/L; and plot 3, 50 nmol/L. (C) MIP-1α: plot 1, 10 nmol/L; plot 2, 20 nmol/L; and plot 3, 30 nmol/L. The results shown are typical of at least 3 similar experiments.