Fig. 3.
Bethesda titers of patient polyclonal anti-fVIII antibodies.
Recombinant fVIII was diluted in plasma from patients with hemophilia A, and Bethesda titers of antibodies AA, AJ, HR, LK, and RvR were determined. Shown are means and SDs determined by nonlinear least squares regression analysis. C2 D1 is the Met2199Ile/Phe2200Leu double mutant; C2 D2, the Val2223Ala/Lys2227Glu double mutant; and C2 Q, the Met2199Ile/Phe2200Leu/Val2223Ala/Lys2227Glu quadruple mutant. HP20 is a B-domainless hybrid human/porcine fVIII molecule containing human A1, A2, ap-A3, and C1 domains and the porcine C2 domain. Confidence levels for differences between the mutants and HB− are indicated at the 99.9% level (2 asterisks) and the 99% level (1 asterisk); NS indicates not significant.