Fig. 4.
Antagonistic effect of Shp-1 and Shp-2 in mediating embryonic hematopoiesis.
Yolk sacs at 9.0 to 9.5 days postcoitum from intercrosses between mev/+:Shp-2+/− mice were carefully dissected free of maternal tissues in α-MEM supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum. Single-cell suspension was prepared by passing through a 22-gauge needle. Cells were washed once in α-MEM and plated for CFU assay. Genotyping: 1. Shp-2−/−:+/+ or mev/+; 2. Shp-2−/−:mev/mev; 3. Shp-2+/+,+/−:mev/mev; 4. Shp-2+/+,+/−:+/+, mev/+. The results were summarized from 5 independent experiments. There was a significant difference between Shp-2−/−:+/+ or mev/+ and Shp-2−/−:mev/mev mice for BFU-E and CFU-GEMM (P = .03, t test).