Fig. 2.
Confirmation of existence of the PBGD erythroid alternative transcript.
(A) RT-PCR assay of PBGD transcipts. Total RNA from CD34+cells collected on indicated (0-12) days after addition of erythropoietin was used for RT-PCR as described in study design. M: 100-bp DNA ladder (Life Technologies). N: No DNA added control. (B) Northern blot analysis of PBGD-H (left panel) and PBGD-EA (right panel) expression in human hematologic tissues. Lanes 1 to 6 contain, in order, 2 μg polyA+ RNA from human spleen, lymph node, thymus, peripheral blood leukocytes, bone marrow, and fetal liver.32P-labeled probe H (panel A) or probe EA (panel B) was used for hybridization. RNA size marker bands are indicated in between the blots.