Examples of raw data.
On the right hand side of each panel are virtual images of fluorescent bands from the gel. Those from the granulocytes are marked N and those from the T cells are marked T. On the left hand side of the panel are shown the intensities of the corresponding bands on a vertical scale plotted against molecular weight in base pairs (bp) on the horizontal scale. Those from granulocytes are marked in interrupted lines and those from T cells in solid lines. In the lower part of the diagram is shown an example of skewed X inactivation in granulocytes but the drift from that in the T cells is similar in each of the monozygotic twin pairs, which is probably due to genetic selection of one chromosome over the other. In the upper part of the diagram are shown data from one of 2 individuals with skewed X inactivation compared to both their T cells and cognate twin (also shown), which is difficult to explain with a selective mechanism.