Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Expression of GPIbβ, GPIIIa, and PF4 in megakaryocytes contained in individual EMk colonies from the early YS cells by RT-PCR. / Lanes 1, 2, and 3 showed 3 individual EMk colonies from 7.5-dpc YS. Erythrocytes pooled from 5 E bursts in the same culture were used as a negative control (lane 4), and adult BM cells were as a positive control (lane 5). G-CSFR expression was also examined to demonstrate the specificity of the PCR reactions.

Expression of GPIbβ, GPIIIa, and PF4 in megakaryocytes contained in individual EMk colonies from the early YS cells by RT-PCR.

Lanes 1, 2, and 3 showed 3 individual EMk colonies from 7.5-dpc YS. Erythrocytes pooled from 5 E bursts in the same culture were used as a negative control (lane 4), and adult BM cells were as a positive control (lane 5). G-CSFR expression was also examined to demonstrate the specificity of the PCR reactions.

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