Schematic representation of the 13q14 chromosomal region deleted in B-CLL.
(A) The chromosome 13 ideogram is shown with approximate location of reference markers used in previous studies for deletion analysis in B-CLL samples. Markers 140F11-82 and 138G4/1.3R border the MDR region of approximately 300 kb as defined previously,10 located between the retinoblastoma 1 gene locus (RB1) and the Wilson disease (WD) locus. (B) Distribution of genes in an approximate 600-kb region (between markers D13S273 and D13S25), spanning the MDR (indicated by an arrow): 3 transcribed sequences (CAR, 1B4/Leu2, and EST70/Leu1) and 3 pseudogenes (ΨL18, Ψp48, and ΨL34) were identified. The continuous line corresponds to the fully sequenced region of 347 503 bp; the dashed line indicates a region partially sequenced. (C) Row a. The region of approximate 347 kb completely sequenced and including the MDR is shown with various gene annotations: the gene exons (rectangles: empty, noncoding; filled, coding) and their relative positions along the MDR are indicated. The 2 pseudogenes located within the MDR are also shown. Rows b-c. Diagram of various mRNA splicing variants identified. The transcriptional start site as well as the transcriptional orientation for each candidate gene is indicated by an arrow. pA indicates the presence of a typical polyA [(A)n] addiction signal within the gene sequences. Row g. Gene names. Row h. Transcripts sizes of the detected mRNA for each gene.