Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. CCR3 and CCR5 expression in B lymphocytes. / Top: Double-staining of CD19+ B lymphocytes, freshly isolated from lymph nodes involved by HD with antibodies directed against CCR3 and CCR5 (upper diagrams), as well as isotype-matched controls (lower left diagram). No double-positive CD19/CCR5 cells were detected in control lymph nodes (lower right diagram). Results of 1 representative experiment of 5 are shown. Bottom: Percentage of CD19+ cells expressing CCR5 and CCR3 in HD (▪) and control lymph nodes (■). The figure represents the mean percentage (SE) of stained cells of 5 distinct experiments.

CCR3 and CCR5 expression in B lymphocytes.

Top: Double-staining of CD19+ B lymphocytes, freshly isolated from lymph nodes involved by HD with antibodies directed against CCR3 and CCR5 (upper diagrams), as well as isotype-matched controls (lower left diagram). No double-positive CD19/CCR5 cells were detected in control lymph nodes (lower right diagram). Results of 1 representative experiment of 5 are shown. Bottom: Percentage of CD19+ cells expressing CCR5 and CCR3 in HD (▪) and control lymph nodes (■). The figure represents the mean percentage (SE) of stained cells of 5 distinct experiments.

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