Fig. 1.
Expression of CD58, creatine kinase B (CKB), ninjurin1, Ref1, calpastatin, HDJ-2, and annexin VI in normal and leukemic immature B cells by flow cytometry.
The number of samples studied is indicated. Shaded areas in the ALL columns indicate the corresponding level of expression in normal samples for each marker. For all 7 markers, differences in mean fluorescence intensity between normal and leukemic cells were significant by t test (CD58, P < .0001; creatine kinase B, P = .007; ninjurin1,P = .013; Ref1, P = .002; calpastatin,P = .006; HDJ-2, P = .003; and annexin VI,P = .023). The mean fluorescence intensity scale for HDJ-2 and annexin VI is higher (×10) than that of the other molecules.