Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. VEGF-A and PlGF secretion by erythroblasts. / VEGF-A (♦) and PlGF (■) contents of ECM were evaluated by means of ELISAs measuring all VEGF-A and PlGF isoforms. ECM was collected from 106 cells at days 1 to 7 of second stage of culture. For PlGF, values correspond to protein levels measured in 5-fold concentrated ECM. Each point represents the mean concentration (pg/mL) and standard deviation of 4 independent assays.

VEGF-A and PlGF secretion by erythroblasts.

VEGF-A (♦) and PlGF (■) contents of ECM were evaluated by means of ELISAs measuring all VEGF-A and PlGF isoforms. ECM was collected from 106 cells at days 1 to 7 of second stage of culture. For PlGF, values correspond to protein levels measured in 5-fold concentrated ECM. Each point represents the mean concentration (pg/mL) and standard deviation of 4 independent assays.

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