Dose response analysis was performed with a single SQ injection of SB-251353 in rhesus monkeys.
(A) Hematopoietic progenitor cell mobilization in rhesus monkeys after a single SQ injection of SB-251353. Blood collected after a single injection of SB-251353 at the doses indicated was analyzed for the presence of hematopoietic progenitors. Data are presented as the fold increase compared with baseline values (23, 159, 171, 77, 17, and 41 CFU-GM/mL blood for 2, 10, 50, 250, 500, and 1000 μg/kg, respectively). (B) Neutrophil count increases in rhesus monkeys after a single SQ injection of SB-251353. Blood cell count differentials were performed on samples collected after injection. For panels A and B, data are shown as absolute counts for a single monkey dosed at each concentration of 2, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 μg/kg and 3 monkeys dosed at 250 μg/kg. PMN indicates polymorphonucleated cell.