Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Chemotactic potency and efficacy of natural Regakine-1 on various leukocyte cell types. / Pure natural Regakine-1 (Figure 1) was dose-dependently evaluated for chemotactic activity in the microchamber assay on human (A) and bovine (B) neutrophils, in parallel with pure natural human IL-8.12 For lymphocyte (C) and monocyte (D) chemotactic activity, natural Regakine-1 was compared with synthetic human MCP-3.16 The chemotactic response is expressed as the mean CI (± SEM) derived from at least 3 independent experiments. Significant differences from controls, determined by the Mann-Whitney test, are indicated by asterisks (*P < .1, **P < .01, ***P < .001).

Chemotactic potency and efficacy of natural Regakine-1 on various leukocyte cell types.

Pure natural Regakine-1 (Figure 1) was dose-dependently evaluated for chemotactic activity in the microchamber assay on human (A) and bovine (B) neutrophils, in parallel with pure natural human IL-8.12 For lymphocyte (C) and monocyte (D) chemotactic activity, natural Regakine-1 was compared with synthetic human MCP-3.16 The chemotactic response is expressed as the mean CI (± SEM) derived from at least 3 independent experiments. Significant differences from controls, determined by the Mann-Whitney test, are indicated by asterisks (*P < .1, **P < .01, ***P < .001).

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