Fig. 9.
Colocalization of CK1 and uPAR on transmission electron microscopy.
Double immunogold labeling for CK1 and uPAR on nonpermeabilized EA.hy926 endothelial cells. (A) Cells incubated with goat anti-GPV20 antibody and mouse anti-uPAR antibody. Bound immunoglobulins were detected with gold-labeled antigoat IgG (15 nm) and gold-labeled antimouse IgG (5 nm), respectively. (B) Cells treated with the anti-uPAR antibody followed by gold-labeled antimouse IgG (5 nm). Goat anti-GPV20 was replaced by nonimmune goat IgG, which resulted in the absence of labeling with 15 nm gold-labeled antigoat IgG. The large arrow points to CK1 antigen; the small arrows point to uPAR antigen. The figure is a representative experiment of 2.