Fig. 2.
Human FA fibroblasts express equivalent levels of IRF-1, ISGF3γ, and p21WAF1.
Immunoblot analysis of human FA-C fibroblasts PD134 (lane 1), PD134/neo (lane 3), PD426/FANCA (lane5), PD331.T (lane 6), and PD331.T/neo (lane 8); the FA-A fibroblasts PD720/FANCC (lane 9); and the FA-G fibroblast line ML7334 (lane 11) express equivalent levels of ISGF3γ, IRF-1, and p21WAF1 compared with those cells corrected for the defect by retroviral transduction of the appropriate FA cDNA: PD134/FANCC (lane 2), PD426/FANCC (lane 4), PD331.T/FANCC (lane 7), PD720/FANCA (lane 10), ML7334/FANCG (lane 12).