Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Gene expression in CLPs and DCs. / RT-PCR analysis of CLPs, CLP-derived DCs in culture, CD8α+ and CD8α− splenic DCs, total splenic cells, and CD8α+ thymic DCs sorted from healthy animals. Although CLPs do not express CIITA, ELC, andRelB, CLP-derived DCs in culture, splenic and thymic DCs express these genes. No DC subsets expressed CD3. Uncultured splenic and thymic DCs expressed CD8α+ mRNA. PCR conditions were as described in “Materials and methods.”

Gene expression in CLPs and DCs.

RT-PCR analysis of CLPs, CLP-derived DCs in culture, CD8α+ and CD8α splenic DCs, total splenic cells, and CD8α+ thymic DCs sorted from healthy animals. Although CLPs do not express CIITA, ELC, andRelB, CLP-derived DCs in culture, splenic and thymic DCs express these genes. No DC subsets expressed CD3. Uncultured splenic and thymic DCs expressed CD8α+ mRNA. PCR conditions were as described in “Materials and methods.”

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