Fig. 5.
Inhibition studies of the binding of mAbs to solid-phase CL/cofactor.
Binding inhibition experiments were performed as described in “Patient, materials, and methods” with β2GP1 (♦), PT (▪), Prot S (*), Prot C (○) coated vesicles or vesicles alone (▴). The vesicles were used at a dilution of 1:200 000 (a), 1:100 000 (b), 1:50 000 (c), and 1:10 000 (d). Inhibition curves of the CIC 14 binding on CL/β2GP1 (A), of the CIC 14 binding on CL/PT (B), of the CIC 03 binding on CL/β2GP1 (C), of the CIC 03 binding on CL/Prot S (D), of the CIC 19 binding on CL/PT (E), and of the CIC 19 binding on CL/Prot S (F).