Fig. 4.
Phenotypic features of CD4lo cells.
CD4lo cells show phenotypic features of activated T lymphocytes. (A) CD3 expression on CD4lo cells is lower than on CD4+ and CD4− T cells. Bar graph of mean fluorescence intensities (mean ± SEM, n = 27) of peripheral blood lymphocytes stained with Cychrome–anti-CD4 and FITC–anti-CD3 and analyzed after setting up the regions as in a representative density plot (A inset, R1-CD4+, R2-CD4lo). Statistically significant (paired ttest) differences were observed between the FITC-CD3 fluorescence intensities of CD4lo cells (▪) and CD4+lymphocytes (░; *P = .022) and between CD4loand CD3− cells (■; ***P = .00004). (B-C) Lowered expression of CD4 is associated with high expression of activation antigens CD25 and HLA-DR (B and C insets show representative density plots). Bar graph in panel B shows statistically significant difference between the expression of CD4 on cells from the R2 region of the inset expressing CD25 (□) and the CD25− T cells from region R1 (▪) (*mean ± SEM, n = 5, P = .0001). Panel C shows a similar difference between HLA-DR+ (■) and HLA-DR− cells (▪; *mean ± SEM, n = 5,P = .0001). (D) The proportion of CD4lo and CD4+ cells expressing CD45RA antigen was similar (bar graph), but the intensity of its expression was higher on CD4lo cells (inset).