Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Antitumor-specific T cells migrate through endothelium in response to supernatants from CD40-stimulated tumor cells as well as to recombinant MDC and TARC. / MDC and TARC were used at 500 ng/mL. Supernatants were produced as described. Antitumor T-cell lines (TCL) were from 3 representative patients and were generated as described.17 Data are expressed as percentage of migrated cells.

Antitumor-specific T cells migrate through endothelium in response to supernatants from CD40-stimulated tumor cells as well as to recombinant MDC and TARC.

MDC and TARC were used at 500 ng/mL. Supernatants were produced as described. Antitumor T-cell lines (TCL) were from 3 representative patients and were generated as described.17 Data are expressed as percentage of migrated cells.

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