Fig. 2.
Immunophenotypic myeloid abnormalities in MDS.
(A) Analysis gate used: the analysis gate used is based on CD45 (x-axis) versus side light scatter (SSC, y-axis) and includes granulocytes and precursors (CD45 dim and spectrum of SSC) and is demonstrated in the boxed region of this healthy donor bone marrow. (B) Healthy donor bone marrow. FITC-CD16 (x-axis) versus PE CD13 (y-axis). Oval indicates the majority of cells in this gate in normal bone marrow. (C-D) MDS patient bone marrow: FITC-CD16 (x-axis) versus PE CD13 (y-axis). Ovals highlight abnormal populations. (E) Healthy donor bone marrow. FITC-CD16 (x-axis) versus PE CD11b (y-axis). Oval indicates the majority of cells in this gate in normal bone marrow. (F-G) MDS patient bone marrow: FITC-CD16 (x-axis) versus PE CD11b (y-axis). Ovals highlight abnormal populations.