Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Serial analysis of percent hematocrit of EPO-lentivirus–treated and control rats. / Closed symbols are rats receiving EPO-lentivirus 6 × 107IU (●) or 6 × 106 IU (▴). Open symbols are control rats receiving saline (○), eGFP lentivirus 5 × 106 IU (■) or 100 μg lentivirus plasmid (▵).

Serial analysis of percent hematocrit of EPO-lentivirus–treated and control rats.

Closed symbols are rats receiving EPO-lentivirus 6 × 107IU (●) or 6 × 106 IU (▴). Open symbols are control rats receiving saline (○), eGFP lentivirus 5 × 106 IU (■) or 100 μg lentivirus plasmid (▵).

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