Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Autoradiograph of the multimeric analysis of plasma and rVWF from COS-7 cells after transfection with WT or type IID vWF cDNA. / The autoradiograph shows plasma and rVWF samples electrophoresed on a high-resolution 1.8% SDS-agarose gel and visualized by autoradiography. Electrophoresis is from top to bottom and shows the high-, intermediate-, and low-molecular-weight multimers, together with the triplet structure of each of the multimer bands. Normal plasma is shown in lane 6, typical type IID vWD plasma in lane 2, and type IIA vWD plasma in lane 1. Wild-type rVWF, C2008S rVWF, and C2008Y rVWF are in lanes 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The bracket indicates the triplet structure of the second major multimer band, and different minor satellite bands (2 in normal and 3 in IID plasma) are also indicated. Note that no minor satellite bands can be seen in the WT rVWF.

Autoradiograph of the multimeric analysis of plasma and rVWF from COS-7 cells after transfection with WT or type IID vWF cDNA.

The autoradiograph shows plasma and rVWF samples electrophoresed on a high-resolution 1.8% SDS-agarose gel and visualized by autoradiography. Electrophoresis is from top to bottom and shows the high-, intermediate-, and low-molecular-weight multimers, together with the triplet structure of each of the multimer bands. Normal plasma is shown in lane 6, typical type IID vWD plasma in lane 2, and type IIA vWD plasma in lane 1. Wild-type rVWF, C2008S rVWF, and C2008Y rVWF are in lanes 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The bracket indicates the triplet structure of the second major multimer band, and different minor satellite bands (2 in normal and 3 in IID plasma) are also indicated. Note that no minor satellite bands can be seen in the WT rVWF.

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