Fig. 5.
Release of adherent human BM CD34+ HPCs.
The release of human BM CD34+ HPCs adhered to human BM stromal cell monolayers (A) or immobilized rhuVCAM-1 (B) is shown. CD34+ HPC were adhered for 30 minutes at 37°C and then incubated for 1 hour in the presence of either conditioned medium or purified proteases. The percentage of cells remaining adherent was quantified. (C) Neutrophil-conditioned medium was preincubated without (●) or with 1 mg/mL α2-macrobulin (○) before addition to CD34+ HPC adhered to BM stromal cell monolayers. Results are expressed as the mean of triplicates ± SD. The experiment was repeated 3 times. CM indicates conditioned medium.