Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Generation and characterization of transgenic FcγRIIA/hPF4 mice. / (A) PCR detection of transgenic mice by means of human-specific primers for hPF4 and FcγRIIA, and control mouse-specific primers for whey acidic protein (WAP). Lane 1, transgenic hPF4; lane 2, transgenic FcγRIIA; lane 3, double-transgenic progeny; lane 4, wild-type mice; lane 5, human genomic DNA. (B) Western blot of platelet proteins separated on a 10% Nu-PAGE gel, transferred to PVDF, and immunostained with RTO, a human PF4-specific mouse monoclonal antibody, shows an intensely stained band at approximately 8 kd, consistent with the molecular weight of PF4. Lane 1, wild-type mice; lane 2, wild-type plus added recombinant hPF4; lane 3, transgenic hPF4 mice; lane 4, human platelet proteins; lane 5, recombinant hPF4. The lane with wild-type mouse platelet proteins does not show staining in the 8-kd region. The other stained bands at molecular weights of 55 and 25 kd represent immunostaining of immunoglobin heavy and light chains that react with the anti–mouse immunoglobulin secondary antibody.

Generation and characterization of transgenic FcγRIIA/hPF4 mice.

(A) PCR detection of transgenic mice by means of human-specific primers for hPF4 and FcγRIIA, and control mouse-specific primers for whey acidic protein (WAP). Lane 1, transgenic hPF4; lane 2, transgenic FcγRIIA; lane 3, double-transgenic progeny; lane 4, wild-type mice; lane 5, human genomic DNA. (B) Western blot of platelet proteins separated on a 10% Nu-PAGE gel, transferred to PVDF, and immunostained with RTO, a human PF4-specific mouse monoclonal antibody, shows an intensely stained band at approximately 8 kd, consistent with the molecular weight of PF4. Lane 1, wild-type mice; lane 2, wild-type plus added recombinant hPF4; lane 3, transgenic hPF4 mice; lane 4, human platelet proteins; lane 5, recombinant hPF4. The lane with wild-type mouse platelet proteins does not show staining in the 8-kd region. The other stained bands at molecular weights of 55 and 25 kd represent immunostaining of immunoglobin heavy and light chains that react with the anti–mouse immunoglobulin secondary antibody.

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