Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Compilation of TCRD recombination patterns. / Indicated are the parts of the TCRD locus that can rearrange in the E2A and HEB transfectants described in this study, CD34+/CD1a− and CD34+/CD1a+ thymocyte subsets, CD3− and TCRγδ and TCRαβ T-ALL, and precursor B-ALL. The pattern observed in the E2A/HEB-plus-RR–transfected cells is strikingly similar to that of the most immature thymocytes and the cross-lineage pattern of precursor B-ALL, illustrating that E2A and HEB can induce the immature and less T-cell–specific rearrangements in theTCRD locus.

Compilation of TCRD recombination patterns.

Indicated are the parts of the TCRD locus that can rearrange in the E2A and HEB transfectants described in this study, CD34+/CD1a and CD34+/CD1a+ thymocyte subsets, CD3 and TCRγδ and TCRαβ T-ALL, and precursor B-ALL. The pattern observed in the E2A/HEB-plus-RR–transfected cells is strikingly similar to that of the most immature thymocytes and the cross-lineage pattern of precursor B-ALL, illustrating that E2A and HEB can induce the immature and less T-cell–specific rearrangements in theTCRD locus.

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