Fig. 1.
CD8+ alloreactive T lymphocytes induce DCs to secrete both IL-1β and cathepsin D.
DCs were cocultured with alloreactive unfractionated T lymphocytes (allo T, lane 1) or purified CD4+ (lane 2) or CD8+ (lane 3) allospecific T cells at a DC/T cell ratio of 1:10 for 6 hours. Lane 4 shows an equal number of alloreactive T cells that were cultured alone for 6 hours. At the end of the incubations, supernatants were collected and analyzed for their content in IL-1β (A) or cathepsin D (B) by Western blotting. CD indicates cathepsin D; pro-CD, procathepsin D. One representative experiment of 10 is shown.