Effect of PLD1 on coupling of FcγRI to trafficking of immune complexes.
PLD1 functionally couples FcγRI to trafficking of immune complexes. Trafficking of radiolabeled immune complexes is monitored by the appearance of TCA-soluble counts in cell supernatants. Following aggregation of FcγRI, radiolabeled surface–bound counts are rapidly internalized. During 120 minutes incubation, appearance of radiolabel in the supernatant as TCA-soluble counts (XL control) is compared between control cells and cells pretreated with antisense oligonucleotides (10 μM) to either PLD1 (XL a.s.PLD1) or PLD2 (XL a.s.PLD2). Results shown for each time point are the counts in the incubation supernatant soluble in TCA expressed as a percentage of the total counts bound at time zero. Results are the mean ± SD for triplicate measurements and are representative of the results from at least 3 separate experiments.