Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. In vitro kinase activity of wild-type TEL/PDGFβR fusion protein in Ba/F3 cells. / (A) Cells were lysed and immunoprecipitated with antibody recognizing the PDGFβR cytoplasmic domain. Immunoprecipitates were washed, subjected to in vitro phosphorylation with γ-[32P]-ATP, and separated by SDS-PAGE. (B) Radiolabeled wild-type TEL/PDGFβR was excised from the gel, acid hydrolyzed to constituent phosphoamino acids, and separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis. (C) Immune complex kinase assay was performed as above using lysates from 32D cells that express TEL/PDGFβR variants. Phosphorylation of exogenous purified GST-p97 (GST-Gab2) was determined. Expression of TEL/PDGFβR and variants was equivalent in each of the cell lines (data not shown).

In vitro kinase activity of wild-type TEL/PDGFβR fusion protein in Ba/F3 cells.

(A) Cells were lysed and immunoprecipitated with antibody recognizing the PDGFβR cytoplasmic domain. Immunoprecipitates were washed, subjected to in vitro phosphorylation with γ-[32P]-ATP, and separated by SDS-PAGE. (B) Radiolabeled wild-type TEL/PDGFβR was excised from the gel, acid hydrolyzed to constituent phosphoamino acids, and separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis. (C) Immune complex kinase assay was performed as above using lysates from 32D cells that express TEL/PDGFβR variants. Phosphorylation of exogenous purified GST-p97 (GST-Gab2) was determined. Expression of TEL/PDGFβR and variants was equivalent in each of the cell lines (data not shown).

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