Fig. 7.
Immunohistochemistry of WT/WT and lck/lck-mCCL21 transgenic mice shows abnormal lymph node architecture in transgenic mice.
Normal mouse (A,B) and transgenic mouse (C,D) lymph node frozen sections were stained for T cells (CD3; A,C) and B cells (CD19; B,D). Normal nodal architecture (A,B) contains a large T-cell zone (shown by CD3 staining in panel A) reaching out toward a relatively smaller B-cell follicle (shown by CD19 staining in panel B). Overexpression of mExodus-2 specifically in T cells results in a more compact T-cell zone (shown by CD3 staining in panel C) and a large B-cell follicle (shown by CD19 staining in panel D). Original magnification × 10.