Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Effect of iTCC on chemotaxis and transendothelial migration of PMNs. / Various stimuli, including iTCC (5 nM), IL-8 (10−8 M), or C5a (5 × 10−8 M) were added to the lower compartment of transwells, and PMNs were allowed to migrate from the upper chamber through filters coated with gelatin to test for PMN chemotaxis (░) or with first-passage HUVECs to test for PMN transmigration (▪). The percentage of migrated PMNs was determined after 30 minutes. Values are means ± SD of triplicate determinations of 5 experiments. *P < .01 versus control.

Effect of iTCC on chemotaxis and transendothelial migration of PMNs.

Various stimuli, including iTCC (5 nM), IL-8 (10−8 M), or C5a (5 × 10−8 M) were added to the lower compartment of transwells, and PMNs were allowed to migrate from the upper chamber through filters coated with gelatin to test for PMN chemotaxis (░) or with first-passage HUVECs to test for PMN transmigration (▪). The percentage of migrated PMNs was determined after 30 minutes. Values are means ± SD of triplicate determinations of 5 experiments. *P < .01 versus control.

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