Schematic representation of the CD2 LCR fragments and the EGFP transfer vectors.
(A) Map of the CD2 LCR insert from the VA plasmid. Two LCR fragments and the control sequence (NLCR) used for insertion into retroviral vectors are indicated by arrows. Binding sites of the different primers used for amplification and the restriction enzymes used in cloning are indicated. N, NotI; X, XbaI; H3,HindIII. (B) Structure of the retroviral vectors used in this study. An extended Mo-MLV packaging signal (Ψ+) is present in each vector genomic-RNA encoding construct. LCR, 2.1-kb CD2 locus control region; NLCR, 2.0-kb control sequence from theCD2 gene; LCR1, 1-kb CD2 LCR fragment; neoR, neomycin phosphotransferase gene. (gray box) Deletion of the viral enhancer in the LTR; (arrow) orientation of the LCR element in each vector.