An IGH-BCL2 hybrid transcript resulting from the t(14;18) translocation results in.
(A) The top diagram shows the organization of der(18) transcript as result of the t(14;18) translocation. The transcription initiates from Iμ and splices to an acceptor site at exon 2 ofBCL2. There is also splicing from exon 2 to exon 3. Donor and acceptor sites between Iμ and BCL2 exon 2 boundary are shown within the boxes. The orientation of primers used for RT-PCR is shown with arrows. (B) The complementary DNA (cDNA) sequence of the breakpoint junction and alignment with germline 14q32 sequence preceeding Sμ and BCL2 cDNA sequences are shown. The sequence is part of a 1-kb product obtained with primers 5′-AGCCCTTGTTAATGGACTTGGAGG (5′Iμ forward, Genbank X97051, bp 91629 through 91652) and 5′-CAGATAGGCACCCAGGGTGAT (BCL2 exon 3, reverse Genbank M13994.1, bp 2146 through 2167). The relative location of these primers is represented by arrows in panel A. Nucleotides 1 through 78 are homologous to bases 91629-91706 of 14q32 sequence (X97051) located 5′ of Sμ in germline DNA. Nucleotides 78 through 166 are homologous to bases 1172 through 1260 of BCL2 sequence (M13944.1). The breakpoint on 14q32 is located 30 bp beyond a known HindIII site (shown) preceding the Sμ sequence. The remaining parts of the splice donor and acceptor sites are underlined.