Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Affinity isolation of PSGL-1 from 32Dcl3 cells and DCs with selectin-IgG fusion proteins. / Total cell lysates of immature and mature DCs from Balb/c mice and 32Dcl3 cells were subjected to immunoprecipitations with selectin-IgG fusion proteins bound to protein A Sepharose in the presence (+) or absence (−) of EDTA as indicated. Precipitated proteins were immunoblotted with the novel mAb 4RA10 against mouse PSGL-1 (Figure 6). Molecular weight markers (kd) are indicated on the left, and the front (F) of the gel is marked.

Affinity isolation of PSGL-1 from 32Dcl3 cells and DCs with selectin-IgG fusion proteins.

Total cell lysates of immature and mature DCs from Balb/c mice and 32Dcl3 cells were subjected to immunoprecipitations with selectin-IgG fusion proteins bound to protein A Sepharose in the presence (+) or absence (−) of EDTA as indicated. Precipitated proteins were immunoblotted with the novel mAb 4RA10 against mouse PSGL-1 (Figure 6). Molecular weight markers (kd) are indicated on the left, and the front (F) of the gel is marked.

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