Blockade of selectin-mediated adhesion strongly affects homing of T cells, but only weakly inhibits homing of DCs, to inflamed skin.
Freshly isolated T cells from lymph nodes of oxazolone-sensitized donor mice and immature DCs were labeled with 51Cr and injected into the tail vein of sensitized and challenged recipient Balb/c mice. Some groups of mice were coinjected with antibodies against P-selectin (RB40.34, 400 μg/mouse) and E-selectin (UZ4, 400 μg/mouse) immediately before injecting the cells. After 6 hours, mice were killed and radioactivity that accumulated in ears, liver, lung, and spleen was measured in a γ counter. Radioactivity measured in noninflamed control ears (▪, −) or inflamed oxazolone-challenged ears (░, +) was calculated as percent of total radioactivity measured in all harvested organs (percent of cpm). Each value represents groups of 4 mice. Inhibition of homing due to blockade of selectins was statistically significant (DCs, P = .001; T cells,P < .0001).