The characteristics and amino acid sequences of VH5 genes in plasma cells generated from naive B cells.
(A) Highly purified CB B cells were cultured with SAC (0.01%), IL-2 (50 U/mL), IL-10 (50 ng/mL), and anti-CD40 mAb (1 μg/mL) with CD32T for 8 days. The cells were then stained with anti-CD38–FITC and anti-CD20–PE and the antibody-coated cells gated on living cells by cell size and granularity and finally counted by means of flow cytometric analysis. Expressions of CD38 and CD20 on B cells are shown on a log scale. The cells were separated into CD20+CD38− B cells (Ai) and CD20−CD38+ plasma cells (Aii) by sorting, cytospun, and stained with May-Giemsa staining. Original magnification, × 400. (B) Total RNA was isolated from the CD20+CD38− B cells (Bi), CD20−CD38+ plasma cells (Bii), and resting CD27+ memory B cells (Biii) and then reverse transcribed into cDNA. VH5 genes were amplified by using primers corresponding to the 5′ region of the VH5 leader sequence and to the 3′ Cμ constant region. PCR products were ligated and transformed. The DNA sequencing of individual clones was performed with a dideoxy termination technique. Each dash represents identity with the germline sequence; amino acid differences are indicated. Complementarity determining regions are boxed. These data represent each of 3 different experiments. The same results were obtained when sort-pure adult CD27− B cells were stimulated with SAC + IL-2 + IL-10 + CD40/CD32T.