Fig. 1.
Differential expression of immunophenotypic markers in macrophages isolated from anergizing and priming MLR cultures.
PBMCs from HLA-mismatched individuals were cultured in 1:1 ratio with irradiated PBMCs as stimulators with either medium or anti–B7-1 plus anti–B7-2 mAbs. At various time intervals of culture (24 hours to 7 days), cells were isolated and examined for the expression of CD14 using anti–CD14-FITC conjugated mAb. CD14+ cells were subsequently analyzed for coexpression of MHC class II or CD23, as described in “Materials and methods.” An identical pattern of results as shown here was observed when control mAb was used instead of medium alone in primary culture. Results show the findings at 3 of 6 time points examined and are representative of 3 experiments.