RH locus in human and mouse.
The human RH locus (top) is compared to the mouseRH locus (bottom). The orientations and positions of genes are indicated by gray arrows, the rhesus boxes by white triangles. The fragment of the mouse RH gene shown covers exons 2 to 10. An open reading frame (ORF) in the rhesus box is depicted as a black circle, the succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit D precursor pseudogene in RH intron 3 as a white circle; no sequences homologous to these ORF were found in the mouse locus. During the duplication event, RHD and its fringing rhesus boxes were inserted between NPD014 and SMP1. The depicted DNA segments are GCIP-binding protein P29 (accession numbers human, NM_015484; mouse, AY033432), NPD014 (AF247168,AK003799), SMP1 (NM_014313, AK014282) and RH(CE)(M34015, NM_011270), and the ORF in the upstream and downstream rhesus boxes (XP_044740 and XP_057505).