Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. FISH analysis of bone marrow metaphases from Ph-positive ALL patients. / (A) Structure of ABL and BCR genes with composition of the indicated probe systems together with expected hybridization patterns using all 3 probe systems on Ph-positive metaphases. Chromosome 9 homologues are shown on left (normal 9 and derivative 9, respectively) while chromosome 22 homologues are shown on right (normal 22 and Ph, respectively). (B-D) FISH analysis of Ph-positive bone marrow metaphases from ALL patient with deletion of derivative chromosome 9. Each panel shows a metaphase together with an image of the expected hybridization signals (inset). (B) Triple-probe analysis. The blue ASS signal is absent from the derivative chromosome 9 indicating a deletion of chromosome 9 sequences from this chromosome. (C) D-FISH analysis with absence of colocalized signal on der(9) revealing deletion of 9q and 22q sequences from this chromosome. (D) MBCR/ABL analysis. Lack of a BCR signal on the Ph chromosome indicates an m-bcr breakpoint. This signal does not appear on the derivative chromosome 9 consistent with a deletion of this region. Images were captured using an epifluorescence microscope (Axioplan 2, Zeiss, United Kingdom), and SmartCapture 2001 software (Digital Scientific, United Kingdom).

FISH analysis of bone marrow metaphases from Ph-positive ALL patients.

(A) Structure of ABL and BCR genes with composition of the indicated probe systems together with expected hybridization patterns using all 3 probe systems on Ph-positive metaphases. Chromosome 9 homologues are shown on left (normal 9 and derivative 9, respectively) while chromosome 22 homologues are shown on right (normal 22 and Ph, respectively). (B-D) FISH analysis of Ph-positive bone marrow metaphases from ALL patient with deletion of derivative chromosome 9. Each panel shows a metaphase together with an image of the expected hybridization signals (inset). (B) Triple-probe analysis. The blue ASS signal is absent from the derivative chromosome 9 indicating a deletion of chromosome 9 sequences from this chromosome. (C) D-FISH analysis with absence of colocalized signal on der(9) revealing deletion of 9q and 22q sequences from this chromosome. (D) MBCR/ABL analysis. Lack of a BCR signal on the Ph chromosome indicates an m-bcr breakpoint. This signal does not appear on the derivative chromosome 9 consistent with a deletion of this region. Images were captured using an epifluorescence microscope (Axioplan 2, Zeiss, United Kingdom), and SmartCapture 2001 software (Digital Scientific, United Kingdom).

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