Fig. 1.
Coagulation parameters after vector administration.
WBCT (A), ACT (B), aPTT (C), cFIX antigen levels in plasma (D), and cFIX activity levels (E; percent activity of pooled normal canine plasma) as a function of time after administration of AAV-ApoE-hAAT vector in hemophilia B dogs Brad (1 × 1012vg/kg, □, blue line), Semillion (1 × 1012 vg/kg, ⋄, green line), E34 (▵, red line, ACT was not measured in this dog), and Beech (3 × 1012 vg/kg, ○, black line, data for Beech are omitted in graph D). Vector was administered into the mesenteric (Brad, Semillon, Beech) or portal vein (E34) for liver-directed gene transfer. The ranges for coagulation times in normal, healthy dogs are 6 to 10 minutes (WBCT), 1 to 2 minutes (ACT), and 18 to 20 seconds (aPTT). In hemophilia B dogs they are more than 60 minutes (WBCT), more than 4 minutes (ACT), and more than 60 seconds (aPTT). (F) The cFIX antigen levels (○) and formation of inhibitory anti-cFIX (in BU, ▵) in Beech after vector administration.