Evaluation of naive phenotypes for TREC content.
(A) The 3 naive phenotypes (CD45RA+ CD45RO−, CD45RA+CD62L+, and CD45RO−CD27+ CD95low) were isolated by sequential immunoselection, and the purity of the cultures is indicated in the upper right quadrant of the representative flow charts shown for CD45RA+CD45RO− (panel Ai), CD45RA+CD62L+ (panel Aii), and CD45RO−CD27+CD95low (panel Aiii). (B) TREC levels are equivalent in the CD4+ naive T-cell phenotypes. DNA from CD45RA+CD45RO−, CD45RA+ CD62L+, and CD45RO−CD27+CD95low populations was isolated, and the level of coding joint TRECs was quantified by PCR-ELISA. P = .67, obtained by comparing TRECs from the 3 populations; this is shown in the figure, which was based on a mixed linear model. Data are based on 5 different donors. (C) Isolation of the CD45RA+CD45RO− population enriches simultaneously for CD45RA+CD62L+ and CD45RO−CD27+CD95low naive subsets. CD45RA+CD45RO− T cells were isolated and evaluated by flow cytometry for the expression of CD62L, CD45RO, CD27, and CD95. The bar chart indicates that 97% of the CD45RA+CD45RO− cells are also CD45RA+CD62L+ and 92% are CD45RO−CD27+CD95low.