Fig. 6.
Effect of Ro 31-8220 or dimethyl-BAPTA on collagen-induced fibrinogen receptor activation.
Collagen was added to aspirin-treated, washed human platelets that were pretreated with Ro 31-8220 (10 μM) or dimethyl-BAPTA (20 μM) or both in the presence of feedback inhibitors, and filtered through 10-μm filters. The filters were then probed with PAC-1 followed by HRP-conjugated secondary antibody, and the color was measured using OPD as the substrate. The adhesion was measured by counting of [3H]-oleic acid in platelets. Adhesion ranged from 23% to 32%. The ratio of PAC-1 binding (OPD reading) to fraction of adhesion was then expressed as relative PAC-1 binding. Each data point is the mean ± SE of 3 measurements using platelets from different donors.